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Fujiminori Grape The first generation seedlings of Fujiminori Grape were introduced from Japan in 1987. After careful cultivation, Fujiminori Grape was cultivated. In 1992, the maximum diameter of fruit was 4.40 cm and the transverse diameter was 3.85 cm (the diameter of table tennis was 3.8 cm), which was even larger than that of table tennis. In 1993, the largest diameter of the fruit of Jinteng grape was 4.3 cm, the transverse diameter was 4.15 cm and the weight was 36 g, making it the largest grape in China. Fujiminori grape is not only juicy, but also sweet and refreshing, which is a rare fruit treasure. Since 1991, Jinteng Grape has won 5 gold medals, 1 silver prize and 1 bronze prize in China. Li Zhensheng, vice president of China Academy of Sciences, vice chairman of China Association for Science and Technology, member of the academic department and famous scientist, wrote an inscription for Jinteng Grape: "Jinteng Grape is famous at home and abroad". Ai Qing, a leading poet and vice chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, also wrote an inscription: "Golden vine queen, golden vine grape".
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